Some accounting and finance majors pursue careers as personal financial advisers, counseling clients on investment strategies, tax savings and pension and retirement plans. Their average earnings exceeded those of many accountants and financial advisers, averaging $91,220 a year in 2010, according to the BLS. Average salaries ranged from $32,660 to more than $111,990 per year, Important Marketing Recommendations For Commercial Real estate Agents with a median of $64,750.
Experienced men and women in accounting, financial analysis and related positions may advance their careers to become controllers or financial managers, increasing their annual earnings. Financial managers direct and coordinate accounting, investment and other financial activities. In 2010, their salaries averaged $116,970 per year, the BLS reported. Their salaries ranged from $56,210 at the low end to $142,210 and even higher for the top 25 percent of earners. In addition to degrees in accounting or finance,2013-1-27 上午 3:21:27. many financial managers hold masters degrees, such as a master of business administration.
Studying accounting or finance immerses the student in spreadsheets, balance sheets and earnings reports. A degree in either field prepares the graduate for careers in management or financial accounting, financial analysis or other business paths. Which degree translates to a higher income depends largely on the individual graduate and the chosen career path.
Bureau of Labor Statistics; Occupational Employment Statistics: Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2010: Financial Advisers; May 2011
Bureau of Labor Statistics; Occupational Employment Statistics: Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2010: Financial Analysts; May 2011
Many men and women who earn accounting degrees pursue careers as management and financial accountants, Essential Teacher Training With Exam Confidence while others take additional coursework to satisfy the 150 credit hours required by most states for a certified public accountant, CPA, designation. Annual salaries for accountants averaged $68,960 in 2010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The lowest-paid accountants earned an average of $38,940 per year, while salaries for top earners averaged $106,880 per year. The median annual salary for an accountant or auditor in 2010 was $61,690.
Many finance majors pursue careers as financial analysts, studying companies earnings reports and other financial data to assess whether to advise clients whether to invest in the firms stock. Although many financial analysts earn finance degrees, the BLS points out that an accounting degree provides preparation for this career, as well. Financial analysts salaries averaged $86,040 per year, according to a 2011 report by the BLS. Salaries ranged from $44,490 to $141,700 per year. The median salary for a financial analyst was $74,350 per year, the BLS reported. However, financial analysts total earnings may be much higher, as many analysts in investment firms receive annual bonuses in addition to their base salaries.
Bureau of Labor Statistics; Occupational Employment Statistics: Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2010: Financial Managers; May 2011
Bureau of Labor Statistics; Occupational Employment Statistics: Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2010: Accountants and Auditors; May 2011