The company raised $140,000 in angel seed funding three months ago and is expecting to close a $2 million series A round by next month, she said. With the money, Tenrehte (which is Ethernet spelled backwards) plans to start thousands of its PicoWatt smart outlets for business customers.
Snappy Valentines! More women ting than last yearA study by Harlequin--yes, the romantic-book people--says more women are sending naughty texts (shocking) and that 27 percent have sent a nude picture via e-mail or text.
The gadget, which runs on an ARM-based processor, costs about $300, and is being tested. A school, for example, is using the smart outlet to turn off smart boards in classrooms, white boards that can capture and store whatevers written on them. Now cility managers can remotely turn off the PC and projector in an ordered sequence, saving money on energy and preventing equipment problems caused by improper shut-down.
A smart power outlet goes industrial? cheap online schools,Start-up companyTenrehte, based near Rochester, New York,launched its PicoWatt smart outlet at CEStwo years ago, aiming to appeal to green-minded consumers. The idea is that a sub-$100 Wi-Fi-enabled smart outlet would transmit energy data to an online app which would let consumers save money by scheduling things to run at off-peak times.
The Car Tech blog
Teslas Model X: Finally, an electric car we all wantIts a minivan. Its an SUV. And its a leap toward the mainstream from wee, eco-friendly vehicles and pricey Roadsters.
Digital Media
Now two years later, Tenrehte has changed its focus to industrial and commercial customers that want to remotely control power-hungry equipment, according to founder and CEO Jennifer Indovina.
Tor anonymity project looks to help Iranians sidestep Net banTors obfsproxy technology would make encrypted data look innocuous and let it dodge government s. That could help citizens in Iran reach blocked sites as antigovernment protests reportedly loom.
New Apple suit targets Motorola over Qualcomm licenseA new Apple lawsuit takes aim at Motorola Mobility in the U.S. for breaking a contract both companies have with Qualcomm for the license of one of its wireless patents.
AtCESthis year, networking everyday objects in the home--appliances, thermostats,
hepatitis symptom
and entertainment centers--is again one of the themes. This smart home gear should make those devices easier to control and save energy by shutting gear off when its not needed.
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Apple Talk
More hardware acceleration in Chrome beta, dev gets latest JSGoogles figured out a way to bring the power of graphics processor-powered hardware acceleration to some older computers, while Chrome 19 dev starts supporting the latest JavaScript code.
Martin LaMonicaMartin LaMonica is a senior writer covering green tech and cutting-edge technologies. He joined CNET in 2002 to cover enterprise IT and Web development and was previously executive editor of IT publication InfoWorld.
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Politics and Law
The smart outlet connects to a company network and plugged-in devices, such as air conditioners or ctory equipment, can be scheduled or remotely operated from a Web site.
Around the world in a solar carIn a two-seater electric car powered only by the sun, a team of German students plan to circumnavigate the world.
European regulators reported set to OK Google-Motorola dealReuters reports that the European Union will approved the $12.5 billion acquisition without any conditions on Monday.
Best Android alternatives to iPod TouchIn spite of the boom in smartphone sales, there still seems to be a market for dedicated portable media players. Apples iPod Touch is the leader, but what about some alternatives for the Android ns? CNET surveys the options.
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Cutting Edge
Innovation in energy and environmental technologies is long overdue, in business and at home. Green-tech reporter Martin LaMonica and other CNET writers serve up fresh clean-tech news and commentary.
It is literally putting a PC level of intelligence at the outlet--its not just a cheap switch, Indovina said. We have visions for PicoWatt to play well with other connected home technologies so we dont want to have to redesign the hardware platform.
The Download Blog
PicoWatt: remote control for plug loads via Wi-Fi.
The average consumer isnt likely to spend much effort managing home energy. Big power users in businesses, on the other hand, will go out of their way cut down on waste.
Technically Incorrect
There are already a number smart outlets or switches to cut vampire power, but Tenrehte is a relatively high-end item that it hopes will be a platform for connected appliances and entertainment gear.
But pitching smart outlets as green to consumers is a tough sell, Indovina said. I just dont think a consumer customer cares about energy data. I think they want (the system) to be intelligent enough to make smart decisions, she said.